Things We Love // June


All the plants in the garden are singing for summer! We, too are ready for warm days, fresh blackberries and the Occidental Farmer's Market to start up again. Here are some of our favorite things to get us through the last of the cool weather and grey days of spring. These  flourless birthday cakes topped with fresh flowers from our garden.

This podcast on the fountain of youth. Some scientists think we're rapidly approaching a "cure" for aging. It brings up some interesting ideas, and tips for extending your life naturally.

This song by Nina Simone. I first heard this on All Songs Considered (NPR). Not only is it Nina, but it's Nina with a reggae under tone and a string orchestra. The emotion felt in this song brings up a lot, especially after the recent death of Freddie Gray and all the protests following. Stay strong, Baltimore.


This mug by a local Sonoma County herbalist and potter, Zoë Gardner. She presses herbs like nettle, comfrey and lemon balm into her pottery. We'll be sure to keep you updated on her work.IMG_4943

This ginseng that was ethically and sustainably forest grown here in the United States! United Plant Savers gets 5% of every root sold.

We're also excited about the International Herb Symposium coming up the second weekend of June. It's a vibrant and diverse gathering of folks who are dedicated to healing plants and from many different backgrounds --- shamanic and folklore to ethnobotanical, clinical and scientific. There is an excellent class about FDA Compliance on Friday for all you small herbal-businesses out there. It will be taught by two herbalists Zoë Gardner (who made that great mug featured above) and Cris Amarillas. Zoë is the R&D Manager at Traditional Medicinals, and has been studying plants for over 15 years. Cris has her doctorate in chemistry from Standford, has studied at The California School of Herbal Studies, and now supervises the Quality Control Lab at Traditional Medicinals. It should be an excellent and informative class for up and coming medicine makers!





Rosewater + Raspberry Leaf Iced Tea


12 Ways to Make Your Kitchen Kosmic