JULY // Things We Love


Its hard to believe the peak of Summer is behind us and the shorter days of fall are approaching. Just walking out back to the garden, I can feel the change---- nasturtiums receding from their reign, the cilantro reaching for the sky with it's clusters of white flowers and fragrant seeds and the cucumber-scented comfrey leaves covering the parched ground. Even though the garden is changing, summer ain't over yet! July is here for another week and we plan on savoring every moment of it. Here are a few gems we've been blessed with thus far:

+The Herbal Medicine Fair  was everything a plant person could've asked for. Nic and the team put together a magical community day filling Temescal Alley with herbalism, crafts, massage, acupuncture, Radiant Human Aura Photography, and some tasty herbal Boba tea!

Urb Apothecary

+ The past couple of weeks I've been surprised at how many folks are talking about our micro-biome and its connection to our mood, our brain and our behavior. This is a great Podcast  about the Gut / Mood Connection  and explores some new treatments that can create huge improvements in people suffering from anxiety, depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s and autism.

+ In an effort to give our guts some love and support our beneficial flora, my partner August,  got 3 gallons of kraut fermenting! Sandor Kat's book, The Art of Fermentation has been a big inspiration for some new recipes we will be sharing soon!


+ Our recent weekend adventures have led us to South Lake Tahoe for hikes up to the wildflower meadows and cooling off in the cold high-alpine waters!


So many of our friends were up there too --- Pedicularis, Coyote Mint, Artemisias, Cinquefoil, and Lupines galore.


+  My favorite Cancer had a birthday this month! Happy Birthday, Summer Ashely. I couldn't think of a better b-day gift than a one-of-a-kind teapot made with locally harvested California clay by the talented and girl-crushable, Rosa Novak.

rosa novak


Hope you all are enjoying this special season and soaking up the summer sun!



The Art of an Herbal Formula


Rosewater + Raspberry Leaf Iced Tea