Carson Pass Camping Trip





Here are some pictures from our trip to the Sierra Mountain Range in Northern California. Our Roots of Herbalism class went for about five days and it still felt entirely too short. I had the pleasure of meeting angelica, arnica, sage brush, gentian, and osha’s sister oshala. Apparently this plant can be used similarly to osha when fighting off the beginnings of a cold or flu. A very empowering piece of information since osha is on United Plant Savers “at-risk" list.

I also spent time with the ladies in my class harvesting arnica flowers for oil and sage brush for ceremony while leaving offerings of hair, stones, tobacco, and prayers along the way. Every time I spend time in the wild, bathe in the streams, watch the birds of prey, and stop to admire all the flowers I come back feeling new again. Remembering truth within me, and believing in all the magic amidst our material world.


Guest Post: The Sacred Plate


Spicy Pear Chutney